Sources: Various
The Abominable Snowman: Bear, Cat or Creature?
MyFox Dallas
The Yeti, or Abominable Snowman, may be the Southern Asian version of Bigfoot. The creature is said to inhabit the Himalayan regions of India, Nepal and Tibet.
The Christian Science Monitor reported in April on an "Oriental Yeti" trapped by hunters in central China. One of the hunters said it appears to be a bear but has no fur. It also was said to sound like a cat.
Loren Coleman, a mystical creature researchers who opened the International Cryptozoology Museum in Maine, told the Monitor it could be a few different types of cats such as an Asian palm or common civet cat or a masked or a Himalayan palm civet.
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Bigfoot Sightings Mix Hoax, Unknown
It doesn't like sticking around for cameras. It is a legend that hangs on through generations and spreads throughout the land, taking root wherever there is enough forest to shelter it in the United States and Canada.
That creature is Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch. It is an ape-like creature that is studied in the circles of cryptozoology, the search for legendary creatures who people claim exist but lack any physical evidence to prove.
It has its believers, but also has numerous skeptics.
Two men in Georgia claimed to have found a Bigfoot creature in 2008. Matt Whitton and Rick Dyer said they came across a 7-foot-7-inch, 500-pound corpse in the state's north side, according to the BBC . They had a photo of a large, hairy creature with an ape-like face.
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Warning sign: Watch out, Bigfoot about
Safety Sign Supplies
A safety sign in America is urging people to keep their eyes peeled for a big, hairy ape, not the local park ranger. but the one and only Bigfoot.
According to the Press-Enterprise, a safety sign on highway 243 in Mountain Centre, Idyllwild, California, sports an image of the infamous simian that is purported to stalk the forests and woodlands of north America.
The news provider reports that "a clever person" has erected a yellow, diamond-shaped warning sign so passers by now know that their top safety priority is not falling rocks, deer shooting across the road or difficult driving conditions, but the fact that a ten foot tall beast is haunting the surrounding San Jacinto Mountains.
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Torrington Register Citizen
When I was about five, maybe six years old, I remember going to visit my grandparents on my Mom’s side. We didn’t get there too much because they lived all the way in Plainville, and apparently to my mom, that may as well have been on the distant side of Mars. She didn’t like driving too much. And my grandparents didn’t drive at all.
Be that as it may, Grandma was a French lady, and Grandpa was, to be politically correct, a Native American man. By the time I got to know him, he was well into his late 70s, and had a whopper of a case of hardening of the arteries. Much of his time was spent reliving World War I, unfortunately, which was terrifying. But somehow, our visits brought him back to some semblance of the present, and he would tell me stories about when he was a kid in Vermont. Of course I don’t really remember them too well, but when I read today, the tribal tales that Abenaki writer Joseph Bruchac tells, they do sound vaguely familiar.
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Lakeside Nessie? Something fishy here
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
News of a possible pint-sized sea monster in the pond at Lakeside Park hasn’t prompted a don’t-go-near-the-water panic, but it has brought a lot of reader feedback offering up possible explanations about what this creature might be.
We first wrote about “Lakeside Nessie” last month when a reader sent us a photo of a creature with a snake-like body and no visible fins. We also talked to someone who saw the strange creature from 6 feet away, writhing in the water like a snake.
So far, all the evidence and suggestions have brought to the conclusion that we don’t have the faintest idea what this is – or was – but here are some possibilities.
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