While spending my formative teenage years in Albuquerque, NM, I, along with almost all of my close friends, experienced many strange, and unexplainable events.
On several occasions I, either alone or with my peers, witnessed strange objects in the sky, came in contact with unseen forces, felt unexplained paranoia while in the woods and had other strange experiences that could be considered to be of a paranormal origin.
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I'm not actually a UFO buff, but since I live in Albq., I googled mapped this area and my jaw dropped to the ground. There are some structures indeed in that canyon and if you follow the dirt road south you will find a tank bitallian that spans across the road, which is odd, but if you continue to follow the dirt road southeast there are 3 silver disk shaped objects scattered down the east side of the road. Someone else check it out and tell me what you see!