Source: The Wrap
Ever since Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros announced their plans to produce another American made "Godzilla" movie back in March, fans have been waiting quite patiently for any news about the film to surface.
And still they are waiting.
At the time of the official announcement, Legendary execs stated that word of the films director would be coming, 'very soon', but here we are some three months later, and still no word on that front.
In fact, since that initial announcement, there has been nothing coming out of the studio about "Godzilla" at all. Not even rumors.
Well, I wish I had HUGE announcement for you today, but alas, all I have is tidbit, a scrap, a mere morsel of "Godzilla" movie news, and even this is a bit of a stretch.
At the 3DNext Summit on Monday, "Godzilla" producer, Brian Rogers, spoke out about how he thought that the medium (3D), was misused in "Clash of the Titans", stating, “’Clash of the Titans’ is important here, because it made the industry realize that you cannot do substandard 3D and charge full pricing.”
Well , like I said, not much 'meat' there, and I'm certain that many of you are scratching your head wondering why I even brought up this quote in the first place?
Though it has not officially been stated, it is a forgone conclusion that "Godzilla" is going to be made in 3D, and why not, all new fantasy and sci fi films are being shot that way since "Avatar".
Now, this is why I think Rogers statement is reason for some optimism in regards to the upcoming "Godzilla" movie. Since the film is being produced by Legendary Pictures, the same folks that brought us, "Clash of the Titans", it would appear that the film makers are taking a good hard look at the mistakes made in that prior film, in hopes of not repeating them.
Which should come as very good news to all "Godzilla" movie fans around the globe.
The echoing theme for "Godzilla" seems to be, 'don't make another G98' and 'give the fans what they want', again more reasons for optimism.
Also, if you want to read into it, the fact that Legendary Pictures hasn't rushed the selection process for a director, echoes these concepts. Meaning, that they are taking their time to find the right guy for the job instead of going for someone 'trendy' or 'hot at the moment', kinda like the Ryuhei Kitamura hiring at Toho for "Final Wars".
Not that the hiring was totally wrong, just Toho had other directors in their stable that probably had a better understanding of "Godzilla" movies than Kitamura did, and who could have produced something a little more, fan-friendly, than what the action movie director did.
And no, I'm not picking on the director. I'm just using the situation to hammer home a point about how I feel that Legendary Pictures, in all likelihood, is taking the right approach here.
There is no need to rush things, and even though "Godzilla" movie fans have been getting ulcers waiting for some news, they ultimately would rather wait, and have things done right, then have the studio rush into things and make a movie nobody likes.
Geez, for such a small bit of information, I really ran with it. Guess it just goes to show how excited we all are to see an American "Godzilla" movie, right?
Maybe in this case, no news is good news?
See Also: Hot Off The Press! Page 77 Of Todd Tennant's "Godzilla 1994" Online Comic / Godzilla, Anguirus, And The Case Of The Missing Monster Suits / Godzilla 3-D, Godzilla 2012, Rumors And Misinformation Abound / What The Fans Want To See In An American Godzilla / Godzilla 2012 - Legendary Pictures/Warner Bros (Fan Group) / It's Official! A New Godzilla Movie Is Coming In 2012! / Get Ready With Your Finger Missiles And Robot Punch! The Shogun Warriors Are Coming To The Big Screen! / Japanese Uber Geekdome - Godzilla Related Cosplay & The Return Of The Life-Sized Gundam / "Godzilla 1985": 25th Anniversary / All Monsters Attack (aka Godzilla's Revenge)(1969)(Toho) / A Godzilla Plush Doll For All You Little Monsters / Run For Your Life! It's Godzilla!!...No...Wait It's A Crustacean / Putting Legendary Pictures Godzilla Into Perspective / Legendary Pictures Announces New Godzilla Movie! / Roland Emmerich Proud Of Godzilla, Not Making Sequel / Toho Tells Comcast, "Didn't You Learn From Subway? You Can't Use Godzilla To Sell Cable TV!" / Peter H. Brothers' Ishiro Honda Bio To Be Published / G-FAN No. 88 Summary / Schedule Conflict Knocks Out Godzilla Film Fest / G-FEST XVI News / Preserving Godzilla And The Blu-Ray Announcement / Godzilla 3D - Opinions Swirling Swirling Swirling / Godzilla 3D Begins Pre-Production For 2011 Release / A Pin-up Girl Riding Godzilla - Now This Is Art! / Godzilla & The Monsters Of Mass Destruction Trailer / Steve Bissette Creates Special Artwork For New Hampshire Screening Of King Kong vs Godzilla / G-FAN #87 Summary / Ishiro Honda Bio Being Negotiated / Robert Scott Field Is Joining Kenji Sahara At G-FEST XVI / King Kong And Godzilla Invade The London Subway
I'm not sold on 3d at all. It's just a distraction. Film quality is darker, and if any scenes are shot at night it'll be like watching the "climactic" battle in Ang Lee's "Hulk," not worth my money. And even though they haven't found a director yet, it could be a double edge sword, in that no one may have been able to pitch anything well enough for Legendary to move on to the prep stage for the movie. I'd be more happy if they had a list of directors at least.