Sci Fi Channel - 04/25/08
9:00 PM EST
Source: BBC
In the second episode of Doctor Who, Catherine Tate re-joins the award-winning series as The Doctor's brand new companion, Donna Noble.
Award-winning actress Tate is reprising her role as Donna, the runaway bride, who was featured in the 2006 Doctor Who Christmas Special.
Donna mysteriously vanished as she prepared to marry her boyfriend in a glittering ceremony on Christmas Eve. She reappeared, much to her astonishment, in the Tardis with the Doctor.
As the Tardis raced to the church, it soon became apparent that Donna was the key to an ancient alien plan to destroy the Earth.
The episode ended with The Doctor inviting Donna to travel with him – an invitation which, at the time, was declined…
Catherine Tate was asked if she would like to become the Doctor's new companion at the press screening of The Runaway Bride back in 2006.
She replied: "I would love to, but no-one has asked!"
Doctor Who's Executive Producer and Head Writer Russell T Davies said: "Catherine was an absolute star in The Runaway Bride and we are delighted that one of Britain's greatest talents has agreed to join us for the fourth series."
Catherine Tate said: "I am delighted to be returning to Doctor Who. I had a blast last Christmas and look forward to travelling again through time and space with that nice man from Gallifrey."
In "Partners in Crime" Donna will track down the Time Lord during an alien emergency in modern-day London.
David Tennant plays the Doctor and Sarah Lancashire guest stars as Miss Foster, an enigmatic and powerful businesswoman.
Sarah Lancashire says: "I'm absolutely thrilled to be in Doctor Who. It's a brilliant episode and I'm looking forward to taking the Time Lord on."
The Doctor and Donna are destined to experience a series of wonderful adventures throughout the new series, including meeting one of Doctor Who's most popular aliens, The Ood, in a brand new episode, Planet Of The Ood.
The couple will also be travelling through time for an encounter with the legendary murder mystery novelist, Agatha Christie, and taking a trip to Pompeii.
See Also: Kylie Minogue Joins The Doctor For A Voyage Of The Damned / Doctor Who - The Sontaran Stratagem / Sarah Lancashire Set To Give Doctor Who A Flying Start / Doctor Who - The Fires Of Pompeii / Doctor Who – Partners In Crime / Torchwood - Are You Missing The Best Series On TV?
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