Source: Eadt.co.uk
Are UFOs the cause of the “amazing” light show over Bury St Edmunds, in Suffolk (UK), on Saturday, November 29th witnessed by Carol Marsh and several others?
Reportedly Mrs Marsh was standing out in front of the cathedral with several friends at about 10:30pm when someone noticed a strange set of lights in the sky. The group watched in amazement as the lights traveled low in the sky over the town and out of sight.
Mash explains, “The lights were low in the sky, very bright and seemed to be revolving. It was totally noiseless and for 45 seconds it lit up the sky, it was just incredible, an amazing thing going on the sky outside my house. The amber lights were almost like they were being fired up into the sky.”
Another area resident reported seeing a grey colored UFO over the church and phoned the report in to the local authorities.
A spokesperson from the police dept. confirmed the report, “We received a report at 10.43 pm on Saturday from a gentleman who said he'd seen a large object spinning in the sky for around 10 to 12 minutes, which looked like a UFO. This was the only report received.”
Skeptics suggest that the lights came from a nearby Christmas festival in Angel Hill, but that would seem unlikely.
As for now the sighting will be added to the pile of reports of strange lights in the sky that have been reported from around the globe.
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