Chris Ray, son of famed b-movie director Fred Olen Ray, is set to make his directorial debute on the giant monster film Reptisaurus. The film will be based on the short-lived Charlton comic book "Reptisaurus The Terrible, " which ran for seven issues in 1962. Oddly enough the comic actually started out as an adaptation of the Danish monster movie Reptilicus, but the tie-in was abandoned after only two issues. The Reptisaurus movie will be produced by David Sterling, and is set to star veteran TV actor Gil Gerard (Buck Rogers).

In the comic, Reptisaurus was a giant, winged, reptilian, island-dwelling, monster that was worshipped by the ancient Aztecs who believed it to be the embodiment of their god Quetzalcoatl. From that description it is easy to see why many fans believe that comic book was the inspiration for Larry Cohen's movie, "Q, The Winged Serpent.' The movie version of Reptisaurus will be your basic tale of soldiers on an island being terrorized by the giant monster.
It is good to see that the success of Cloverfield has lead to so many giant monster movie projects. I can only wonder if Reptisaurus can be made into a movie, then why not Fin Fang Foom or Devil Dinosaur? Heck I wonder if I could be able to peddle the two ideas I have for giant monster films? If anyone is interested....drop me an email.