Source: Avery Guerra
What is going on in the independent film world? Film makers seem to be coming up with similar ideas, independently from each other, at the same time. Over the last couple of months I have discovered a whole bunch of films with giant snakes and half-snake-half-human creatures, now it's pigs.
Yesterday I received a promotional image from "The Bloody Rage of Bigfoot" that had a half-pig-half-demon Bigfoot in it. Today I get the first still from Victor Varnado's Japanese sci fi homage, "Roboto Supremo", and what do I see, a giant two-faced-pig-cyclops.
Let me not forget to mention the emails I have gotten about two, count em, two giant hog films that I haven't had time to write about.
It makes you wonder if these film makers are meeting in secret to plan these things? "Okay, last month we did snakes, now lets do hogs."
Probably just a coincidence......?
Like I was saying, "Roboto Supremo" is director Victor Varnado's homage to Japanese sci fi and from what we see here, it looks just like a classic kaiju film straight out of the 1970s. I can't wait to see the final product!
On an interesting side note, Varnado was able to cast Michel Gondry, (the director of "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" ) as the Japanese speaking mayor of Final Tokyo.
Maybe Varnado needs to add a giant snake to his movie? Hey, ya gotta keep up with the trends now.

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