Written By: Ken Hulsey
Sources: io9.com / Avery Guerra
God, I'm really starting to feel old. I admit that I am way out of the loop on what's cool anymore. I'm totally oblivious to the whole "Hanna Montana/High School Musical" craze. I admit it. I'm lost when it comes to these things.
As I understand it, all the teen girls are mailing their panties to some guy named Robert Pattinson these days. I honestly didn't know a single thing about this guy, until about two weeks ago. I walked by the Hot Topic in the mall and this guys face was plastered all over the store. I remember thinking, "Who the f**k is that guy?"
Now, since then I have come to discover that Pattinson is the star of the upcoming teen romance/vampire film, "Twilight." Oh, and he was in a couple of "Harry Potter" movies. Besides that, all the teen girls in the world want to have his baby. Good for him.
Now that was fine, but now he has ventured into territory that makes him...well.....possibly ....let me choose my words here......oh, hell...I'll let you decide.
It seems that the teen heart-throb has set his sights on being the next Doctor. No, not a gynecologist, Doctor Who!
According to the Chicago Tribune, Pattinson is a fan of the show, and he feels that his name should be thrown into the hat as the replacement for David Tennant after his stint as the Timelord comes to an end next year.
Pattinson had this to say on the subject, "That would be quite cool. I didn’t know he was leaving. The Doctor is great…yeah, maybe. I did grow up watching it. I loved it when I was a kid. In fact, I met one of them the other day, Sylvester McCoy [the seventh Doctor]. He’s one of the few people I’ve asked for an autograph."
If the BBC did indeed select the teen idol, then they would have every teen girl on the planet tuning in to watch their program. That would be good for the ratings and it would probably lead to huge profits from the sale of related merchandise.
But what would the regular fans think?
Okay, don't throw that, "But Billie Piper was the British Britney Spears before she was Rose Tyler" stuff up in my face.
I'm not saying that Pattinson would be a bad choice, I just don't want to see Doctor Who towels with his mug on it for sale at my local Target.
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Hey, this is the first time I've ever visited your blog and I gotta say, interesting post.
ReplyDeleteI'm a BIG fan of Doctor Who. That being said, here are my opinions on Pattinson as the Doctor:
I think it might be a smart move. Like you said, it would do wonders for the ratings. The show is great as it is and I really hate to see anything change too much on the program but some changes could be good and I think having a younger actor who, obviously likes the show, could be a good change.
While I am not a panty throwing teenage groupie, I am familiar with Robert Pattinson. Based off of the works I've seen him in, I think he would be a good choice. He is bouncy like the last three Doctors, can act very well, can seem both full of life yet alone at the same time (so if they keep the whole last of the Times Lords plot he could pull off David and Christopher's desparation on not being lonely), and he can do both comedy and drama (something that the Doctor needs). He seems to be able to bring a character to life, not just pretend to BE that character. I think he might be a little too young, but I could definitely see him as the Doctor one day. I don't think I would be dissappointed with him in the role (as I am with some of the other names that have been floating around recently).
Like you, I fear what will become of the fanbase if he was to get the role but I've noticed sometimes a teenage girl fanbase can be good, as they become the driving force and shit gets done (but then again, this whole High School Musical crap scare the piss out of me too). But maybe the show should expand its fanbase? I'm not sure. I think its current loyal fanbase is just fine, but then again if the fanbase grew even more, could its budget also grow? I think thats the main question, 'Could the Doctor Who fandom benefit from a fanbase that a young star like Robert Pattinson would bring?' I honeslty don't know, but I'm willing to find out.
Jennie Annie - I'm glad that you liked the post.
ReplyDeleteI, like you, am a huge fan of Doctor Who. Honestly I have been a fan since 1980 when the Tom Baker episodes aired on PBS, if you can believe that.
Honestly, I know little to nothing about Pattison, so I'm going to take your word on his abilities as an actor.
It really could be good for the show if you added the teen fans, but I would be scared that the show may be reduced to a time traveling "Dawson's Creek" and I don't think anyone wants that.
We will just have to wait and see how this plays out. I imagine that the BBC will go after a "name" actor, possibly someone who has been on either Doctor Who or Torchwood.
Right now all kinds of names are being batted around.
I hope that you will continue to visit the site for your Doctor Who news needs.