Source: The East Herst Herald (By: Paul Christian)
It seems that if you want see something strange in the sky these days, then you need to be in the UK. As I have started to write about UFO reports from around the globe, I have noticed that the vast majority of the sightings have come from Britain. Is it possible that alien visitors have found something interesting in the British Isles? Maybe they are just waiting to find out who the next Doctor Who will be like the rest of us?
The latest reported sighting comes from Hertford, where a blazing UFO flew across the sky at about 8:30pm last Sunday night.
An eyewitness posted this report online, "It travelled south and I tracked it for about two minutes. It was at quite a height, bright orange and had shots of what looked like orange flame that shot from the sides or top every now and then. As it got south of Hertford it went out of sight, either extinguished or to a height or at a distance where it could not be seen. There were no other lights with it such as you would normally expect on a plane. Sounds bonkers but I definitely saw it."
It seems that the object seen in the sky may have a come from a more common, yet still very extraterrestrial, source.
Malcolm Robinson, of Strange Phenomena Investigations, believes that the fireball may have been a falling asteroid, not an alien spacecraft, "In the main the vast majority of all UFO reports have identifiable solutions, as high as 95 per cent. It may well have been a fireball or meteorite burning up, although it may well be something very bizarre. Balls of light in the sky do give rise to what many people think might be UFOs."
Whether UFO or asteroid, the object put on quite a light show over the skies of Hertford. Like I said before, if you want to witness a celestial event, then then the UK is the place to be.
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hey see the latest UFO video captured by italian lunar orbitter
the video is really intriguing but dont know real or fake but source say it is real indeed
I am convinced i saw a ufo today in hertford at about 12:45 pm.
ReplyDeleteI was laying down on the ground watching the clouds drift by, when a black circular object came into view against the clouds which then moved in a very strange manner,basically no plane could have done this with such speed and precision,then when a plane came into view this object dissappeared completely.I am so convinced that i saw this u.f.o I phoned the wife to tell her, as I expected she thought i was mad.
12:11 New years eve/new years day 1-1-2010
ReplyDeleteAfter clocks struck midnight my friends and myself retreated to beer garden in a Hertford Pub, I looked up at night sky and saw an object the height of a low flying light aircraft or helicopter, the object was no more than 800-1000 feet up and travelling in a straight line. It travelled slowly when i first saw it and i screamed to people " look at this ! " People being drunk , didn't really take much notice. Luckily 5 of us in total saw the object, as I would think im mad other wise ! The object was like a huge sphere bubble which was orange fire, to look at. I would say it looked 4 times size of any plane that height. Suddenly the object picked up ridiculous speed then seemed to sit at this speed as it disappeared out of view.
Now for one I DON'T DRINK !
I have seen lanterns in the sky fire looking objects being blown by wind, I have seen asteroids,shooting stars and I have seen all sorts of balloons, air planes fireworks. This object had no tail or smoke trailing behind it !The object made NO noise, the object picked up speed and then settled at a constant speed, the height of the object meant it couldn't be an asteroid burning up, and certainly not a lantern as the speed and size of object was ridiculous ! I am not a U.F.O freak, and don't believe things to be with out explanation. This object I saw was being controlled so it either a super new flying machine from this world........or its something else...... I challenge you all to answer my mystery
I think that this is the one that I saw...
ReplyDeleteI could never remember if it was 2008/9 or 2009/10. I was working in the Herford house hotel at the time and it seemed to be in the direction of Richard Hale school. It was 3 orange(ish)globes that formed a large triangle. This was all witnessed by about 25-35 people, so it's weird that This is the first post that I've ever found that could be the same incident that I witnessed.