What is so alluring about a bad girl? Not that today's featured animated fantasy girl, Faye Valentine, is 100% bad. Yet she is definitely a "tough" girl, someone who could hold her own in a fight. She is a bounty hunter you know. Ultimately her grit and blase attitude only adds to her sex appeal.
Physically Faye is a work of perfection. Designer, Toshihiro Kawamoto, pulled out all the stops with her design. The character is tall and chesty. A design that could have only come the pen of someone who has spent a great deal of time studying the female form.
On screen Faye is sight to behold. She is a scene stealer for sure. Whether she is kicking ass, or using her charms to get the male members of the Bobop team to do it for her, she always exudes a natural sexuality. Across the globe both male a female fans have been captivated by her. Female fans want to be like her and male fans.....well....you get the idea.
Overall Faye Valentine is the complete package. Drop dead gorgeous looks combined with a "I don't give a shit" attitude. A character that is as visually stunning as it is deeply fascinating.

Faye (born August 14, 1994) is one of the members of the bounty hunting crew in the anime series Cowboy Bebop. She is often seen with a cigarette and in a revealing outfit complete with bright yellow hot pants and a matching, revealing top (and on occasion a bikini). She sports violet hair, green eyes, and a voluptuous body. Although appearing to be no more than her 23 years old as her body suggests, Faye is actually upwards of 77 years old, having been put into cryogenic freeze after a space shuttle accident, wherein she spent fifty-four years in suspended animation. During the course of the series (set in 2071), Faye manages to cross paths with Spike and Jet twice before she finally makes herself at home aboard their ship the second time, much to the consternation and disapproval of the two men, both of whom have their own reservations about women in general. Faye herself is brash, egotistical, and quite lazy, despite taking plenty of time to pamper and care for her own appearance. Faye has been arrested several times in the series and has spent time in handcuffs on the ship. She, at times, expects the boys to take care of bounties for her, while she sits by idly to reap the benefits and eat all their food, another source of conflict.
Seemingly little more than a thorn in her partners’ sides, Faye is actually a well-rounded member of the team. She can handle herself exceptionally well for a woman of her slight appearance, displaying at least once in the series (in "Cowboy Funk") that she has a powerful punch. Adept at flying, Faye has stood her ground just as well as Spike has in an aerial dogfight in her ship Red Tail, and at times even against Spike in an aerial dogfight. She also excels with guns, and is first seen in the series completely disabling a shop with a Heckler & Koch MP5K, though she is immediately apprehended afterward. In the movie, she is seen with the same gun, in addition to her normal companion: a Glock 30. Faye has an almost unstoppable attitude, and even her sometimes innocent smile can be seen as dangerous. Sarcastic and presumptuous, she rarely appears weak or in need of support. She brags and takes care of herself, never trusting others, cheating and lying her way from one day to the next.

Throughout the series, though she retains her sarcastic demeanor and unpleasant nature up until the very end, it is easy to see her grow as a character. She learns to value her comrades, coming back to the Bebop when she realizes that it is the only home that she has left, naming it as the “only place I could return to”. She grows to understand the disadvantages of being a loner, and that even though her "family" is somewhat dysfunctional it is still a place where she will always belong.
Throughout the series, though she grows to care for Jet and even Edward in her own way, it is her relationship with Spike that remains a cause for consideration by most. There is also speculation that she holds a romantic interest in Spike. Although this is never stated, her attraction may be implied by her interactions with him (Pierrot Le Fou, My Funny Valentine, Speak like a Child, The Real Folk Blues) as well as her fascination with Julia (Jupiter Jazz, The Real Folk Blues). Faye also reacts with fear and concern when being told by Vincent about his meeting with (and supposed dispatching of) Spike in Cowboy Bebop: The Movie. Faye's voice actress Wendee Lee has also stated that Faye cares for Spike very deeply, but tries to mask her feelings (so as not to seem vulnerable). Although he comes to see her as a companion, Spike's romantic feelings toward Faye seem to be void or at the least, well-hidden. Though he does come to her aid when she is kidnapped by Vicious and in session 23 when he goes to free her from the Scratch cult and watches over her while she recovers. Furthermore, in "Ballad of Fallen Angels", as Spike recalls Julia before fully awakening, a scene with Faye watching over him replays at the end of the sequence. This could imply Spike's feelings for Faye are similar to his feelings for Julia. Watanabe stated in an interview, "Sometimes I'm asked the question, 'What does Spike think of Faye?' I think that actually he likes her quite a bit. But he's not a very straightforward person so he makes sure he doesn't show it."
Note: Not to be confused with the teen porn star, Faye Valentine, that I happened to stumble across while doing research on the character. No....I didn't go looking for Faye Valentine porn....I've got some morals you know!
See Also: Keanu Reeves Moves From Klaatu To Spike Spiegel / Fox Gives Green Light To A Live-Action Cowboy Bebop Movie
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