October 3, 2007
Source: The Welwyn & Hatfield Times
MYSTERIOUS bright yellow lights were seen plummeting towards a couple's house at "an abnormal speed", writes Simon Wesson.
The Bernasconis, who live in Homestead Road, Hatfield, were "scared to death" when they saw two gleaming lights which they believed were "about to crash just behind their house".
Rachel, 33, told the WHT that she had "never been so scared in her life".
"I'm 39 weeks pregnant and I thought I was going to go into labour, I was that scared.
She added: "My husband, Mark, saw two lights hovering above the houses opposite."At first he presumed it was an aircraft, because it looked like two wing tip lights; but after a while it was still there, so he opened the window to check it wasn't a reflection and it was at this point that he shouted for me to come over.
"I jumped out of bed and watched it hover from the open window, then suddenly the lights started to get closer and closer, within seconds we ran down the stairs and out of the door; at this point we were running for our lives!"
"We got outside and it just disappeared, no noise or sight of the object, it was a complete mystery."
Rachel said that she had never believed in UFOs but this had really made her "wonder what is out there".
"The lights were too far apart to be a helicopter and they were too low and going too fast to be an airplane," she said.
"If it was a plane, we would have heard some kind of engine noise, but there was absolutely nothing."
"I just cannot explain it. I'm a bit of sceptic about these things, but those lights were irregularly bright!"
Did More Than One UFO Crash In New Mexico?
October 2, 2007
Source: Gene Ramsey - The Round Up
Three Unidentified Flying Objects carrying three human-like bodies were recovered in New Mexico in 1950, according to a UFO researcher who spoke to New Mexico State University students in the Corbett Center Auditorium Wednesday night.
Sponsored by the Union Program Council, Robert Hastings gave a presentation entitled, "UFOs: The Secret Story," in which Hastings used documents obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests and interviews with former Air Force, CIA and FBI personnel as evidence the UFOs and bodies were recovered. Hastings said UFO sightings began to occur in Los Alamos after initial testing of the atomic bomb.
Hastings also said he was personally involved in a UFO sighting in 1967 and believes they are extraterrestrial objects.
"I was present at the Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana air traffic control tower when five unidentified aerial targets, as they are called, suddenly began to be tracked on multiple radar scopes," Hastings said.
Corina Ramirez, a biology major, said "yes" when asked whether UFOs and aliens exist.
"Robert Hastings presented reliable information about UFO sightings," Ramirez said.
"Now I am more convinced about extraterrestrial existence than before."
However, Heather Anderson, an education major, said she was on the border line of believing the information presented by Hastings.
The first massive waves of UFO sightings began in 1947 in every state except Georgia and West Virginia, according to Hastings. Most documented sightings have occurred in the air space above nuclear weapons facilities and power plants.
There is a UFO-nuclear weapons connection, Hastings said.
Hastings displayed one document that described UFOs as "round shaped objects or phenomena moving at a fast velocity and emitting a brilliant white or reflective light."
Government documents also show the sightings in New Mexico were reported to former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.
Hastings wants more documents held by the U.S. government to be released to the American public."I do believe the public is entitled to facts," Hastings said. Hastings also said the government does not want to inform and has misinformed Americans on this issue for fear of creating a panic like the one caused by the 1938 "War of the Worlds" broadcast.
Hastings referred to the Orson Welles play in which a radio broadcast of ballroom music was interrupted by reports of UFO sightings and attacks. In reaction to the play, some people went to church, packed their belongings and sought safety. According to Hastings, the U.S. government sighted the reaction to the play as reason to withhold information from its citizens.
Hastings also said a producer in Spain broadcasted a play similar to that of Wells to coincide with the 1996 release of "Independence Day" and caused hysteria. Americans will be less hysterical on the arrival of extraterrestrials if the government releases such information, Hastings said.
Martin Rivero, a criminal justice major, said if the government is hiding information on this topic, they should release it and make it public.
Hastings said the government acknowledged the existence of Area 51 in 1996.
No one has all the answers concerning UFOs, Hastings said. However, he assured listeners what they heard Wednesday night is more valid than what the government has told them.
Irish Defense Force Releases Classified UFO Documents
September 21, 2007
Source: Yahoo News
Ireland's defence forces maintained a dossier on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) for 37 years, according to details released Thursday under the country's freedom of information laws.
The documents dating back to 1947 that were released to the Irish Times newspaper log a range of strange sightings.
Descriptions of UFOs that were reported range from being like fried eggs to a household iron with fins at the back, according to the newspaper.
An early entry in the file from a shopkeeper and farmer in County Kerry in the southwest of the country in 1947 says he told police he saw a circular object moving "faster than a motor car" through the sky.
"It was flat and was like a big wheel or large plate... the rim was white and it was hollow in the centre."
A spokesman for the defence ministry told the newspaper that since 1984 the UFO dossier was no longer maintained.
The dossier is similar to one compiled by Britain's defence ministry on reports of UFO sightings.
Declassified last May, it found that none of the recorded incidents in the last 30 years was actually a flying saucer.
In March this year, France opened its files on UFOS, revealing 1,600 alleged sightings over five decades.
Is There A Huge Underwater UFO Base Off The Coast Of New Jersey?
September 20, 2007
Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: E-mail From Ex Air Force Officer
This is an excerpt from an e-mail that was sent to me by a gentleman who claims to be an ex-Air Force airman who works for a weather radar company. I will keep his name private for the sake of security. I, of course, can't verify any of the statements made here. It all could be bunk, but if we get invaded remember where you got the news first!
Here is part of the e-mail:
What is going on off the coast of New Jersey is (Potentially) is (Possibly) a massive alien / UFO intervention to that region in the ocean to set up camps or bases on submerged vast installations that may be free floating underwater or on the bottom of the sea near the USA mainland regions.
In june 2007 on 3 separate occasions I was able to use weather radar to pinpoint odd activity that was affecting the atmosphere over that region slightly north of N J off the coast of Massachusetts...the range off the coast was at least 200 to 350 miles away from the mainland by rough estimate. it is of supreme importance that people take note that this new development is in the same region where this other activity was observed.i can only leave a message in hopes people will observe that region in the future with the use of the weather radar services that exist to see for themselves if future alien activity signals massive invasion or simply that some species is setting up their own colonization efforts without informing us . the manner of the atmospheric disturbance is blue as the vessels enter the higher altitudes where it is below freezing temperature.
Their disturbance thus is shown as light blue moisture "painting" the weather radar in the Doppler radar area and if there ever is activity its easy to see the objects do not move with the weather patterns that affect the USA in this area usually from the west of the USA across to the east USA etc.
I am ex US Air Force and I have made my analysis work known to people including in the manner of alerting UFO researchers . it is a good idea to print this story with my own remarks since its so important if i am right, you can see evidence of extraterrestrial activity from simply using Youtube (Google) video search and use search word "space worm"or UFO worm... this will show a NASA mission filming some huge moving object in earth orbit a few years ago... the massive object is likely being trained, that is, cargo that is being transported either from earth or to the earth and the UFO tug vessel stayed still as the shuttle passed so all you see is the cargo vessel moving about... its obvious it contains massive amounts of biomass beings inside or a volume of water taking perhaps sea life from earth, if the cargo vessel is bringing sea life from other planets to the earth this is a secondary worry and of course this is speculation but the evidence is clear, all you need to do is look at the video and in the half way point the NASA crew are able to see the object clearly and they focus the camera on it very well.... NASA is quiet on these subjects due to the continued illegal cover up in the USA about UFOs and the E T life forms manning these space craft from other worlds.
More To Come........
See Also: The Hertford Fireball - Asteroid Or UFO? / UFO Light Show Over Suffolk / Discovery To Air UFO Hunters Footage Sci Fi Found Too Shocking / Does Mars Have Wood? / Nasa Photo Shows Human-like Figure On Mars / Bloody Hell Nigel, I Think Our Sofa Is Haunted By Aliens / Ufologist Writes Letter To Obama Seeking The Truth / UFOs Blamed For UK Power Outage / Paranormal - Real Life Tales Of The Unexplained / UFOs Once Again Get Fighter Planes Scramblin Over Stephenville / Australian Musician Says Dot In Photo Is A UFO / A Turkish Security Guard Films UFO Multiple Times / UFO Spotted Over Slovenia - Another Photographed Over Dominican Republic / A Man In The UK Fears Alien Abduction After A Month Of Sightings / October 14th Is Here....And Surprise! No Aliens! / Aliens To Show They Are Real In The Skies Over Alabama
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