It's been a while since the last update, but things are still happening.
The text for what we're tentatively calling the special, "G-FAN Guide To Kaiju Japan," had been delivered to G-FAN editor/publisher J. D. Lees at G-FEST XV two weeks ago and he has already begun the layout work.
Today, I sent him a possible layout for the cover. A notice will be included in the upcoming G-FAN, including ordering information, etc. It will not be a part of the subscription issues as there may be some subscribers not interested in having a travel guide to Japanese monster locations in place of a regular issue.
Those of you with kaiju-related businesses, who are interested in placing an ad in the special, contact me for ad rate info, etc. Also, if you wish to be a retailer for the special, you can contact J. D. at johnlees@mts.net. Eventually, we plan to have it available through Diamond Distributors. But other arrangements may be made for ordering before we get it to Diamond.
We are aiming for a Fall release.
More updates to follow as things develop.
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