Source: Y Net News
Okay, I know that this is probably not an appropriate article to be writing on "Christmas Eve", and as a Christian I should be ashamed of myself, but, this story is just to weird to pass up.
It seems that the UFO cult known as the "Raelian Movement" has caved in and canceled their scheduled mass orgy in Tel Aviv. The event, which was planned for "International Orgasm Day", received a massive amount of negative public outcry and the the owner of the venue where the "sex fest" was to be held received several death threats.
The group's spokesman, Kobi Drori, explains that it was the cults hope to achieve world peace through multiple orgasms reached by masturbation or sex, by straights, gays, lesbians and bisexuals, all over 18. "The purpose of the event was to try and bring world peace through mass orgasm, this by experiencing consensual sex and natural, uninterrupted pleasure. It was important to make love without feeling guilty or shy," he explained.
The "Raelian Movement" believe that mankind has developed a taste for violence, while love and pleasure has become taboo. "It should be the other way around. Several years ago an Iraqi boy whose limbs were amputated was shown on TV and everybody treated this as if it was okay, but when Janet Jackson exposed her breast during the Superbowl the American nation was appalled.
"We wanted to put into practice the saying 'make love, not war'"
The orgy was to be the first of several events planned by the "Raelians", who believe man was created by aliens, in 2009.
On January 22 the group plans to hold a conference on sexuality and masturbation with experts and writers in the field.
According to Drori the UFO based religion has some 70,000 members worldwide, "We don't believe in demons, ghosts and gods," he explains. "The group's primary goal is to inform humanity, without attempting to persuade, regarding scientific messages that deal with the origins of life on earth.
"The second goal is to expedite the establishment of a society based on the principles of non-violence, solidarity, self-fulfillment and pleasure. To establish one global currency, one global government and harness science to the service of humanity, and not against humanity," he concluded.
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