Source: Gulf Breeze News
If you are a resident of Gulf Breeze, Florida and you have seen a UFO, then the producers of "UFO Hunters" want to hear your story.
"UFO Hunters" will be filming a show about the famous sightings that took place back in the 1980s in the Gulf Breeze area next month.
The area has always been a 'hot-spot' for UFO sightings, the most notable of which, were published in the controversial book 'The Gulf Breeze Sightings' written by local residents Ed and Frances Walters. In that book the couple chronicled two years worth of sightings including photographs and eye-witness accounts of UFO activity all centered around Gulf Breeze.
The Walters stories were labeled a hoax after a UFO model was discovered in their possession, yet many people still back up their claims.
The producer of "UFO Hunters", Johnathan Walton, revealed some interesting items about the shows upcoming season to Joe Culpepper of the 'Gulf Breeze News' in a recent phone conversation:
'UFO Hunters' follows the team of Bill Birnes, Dr. Ted Acworth and Pat Uskert as they investigate UFO cases around the world. The team's access to UFO evidence is unparalleled, and their expertise allows them to quickly identify bogus claims of UFOs. Together, they use eyewitness accounts, scientific experimentation, documents recently released through the Freedom of Information Act and footage that has never been seen on television to piece together compelling - and sometimes chilling - evidence of UFO phenomena.
This season, the team will investigate some contemporary cases where video and audio evidence are in abundance, and dig into history for evidence of sightings going back centuries.
In addition to Gulf Breeze, the investigations will take them across North America and Europe including Tinley Park, Ill., Kokomo, Ind., Aurora, Ill., and a fresh look at Roswell, N.M., and others spanning the years from 1897 to 2008.
Walton also expressed an interest in hearing from local Gulf Breeze residents who have seen UFOs and are open to being interviewed about their experience.
Interested individuals can contact Jonathan Walton from "UFO Hunters" at (310) 829- 9933, ext. 232, or send an email to Walton@motionpictureprod. com.
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