Now, every one loves a good UFO story, but this one is quickly turning into the UK's version of Roswell.
The reason? Well, this story really has it all. Mysterious lights flying around. A tentacled monster.....okay, UFO. A damaged wind turbine. A missing blade, from the turbine. A lot of speculation and very little, if any, evidence.
Did a UFO hit the turbine? Did that UFO crash somewhere? Did the government cover it up?
It all adds up to the kind of stuff good legends are made from.
Lets face it. If Ecotricity, the company that operates the Conisholme Wind Farm, came forward right now and said that the damage was caused by a mechanical defect, would anyone believe them?
Of course not.
There are just too many other factors that point to something more......"romantic" being the cause. Something like a UFO or tentacled monster being involved.
This may indeed be one of those mysteries for the ages!
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