Sources: Various
French town builds UFO landing pad
Arès, near Bordeaux, southwestern France, has decided to try and attract Martians to its triangular "UFOport" with its very own fake Martian craft.
Made by a local artist, the man-made UFO "landed" on the strip yesterday and, it is hoped, will entice any hesitant extraterrestrials in search of a runway. A plaque reads: "Reserved for voyagers of the universe".
The operation has been dubbed: "'Allo Arès, ici UFO." Arès built the pad in 1976 after a local airport electrician and UFO nut complained to local authorities that France had no alien craft strips.
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UFO idea gains fans
UFO PILGRIMS could soon be flocking to Darwin after the idea to hold a UFO conference in the Top End attracted the attention of a popular tourism website.
Embraceaustralia.com raised the question of whether Darwin could be the UFO hotspot of the world only days after the latest sighting of a "hamburger-shaped" light.
Earlier this week MIX FM radio presenter Pete Davies said he would welcome UFO spotters from around the world for a UFO convention.
He pondered if the Top End should "challenge Roswell and Wycliffe Well" and make Darwin the UFO capital of the world.
He said "once we get all the federal stuff out of the road" he was looking into plans for a convention.
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Prfire (press release)
Alien Base housing Aliens, a full size UFO and the secrets of the universe has been found on Blackpool's famous Golden Mile.
An Alien Base has appeared along Blackpools famous Golden Mile, housing extra-terrestrial beings from across the universe. You can even step inside a flying saucer and take a tour of the universe. No this isnt a long awaited visit from other dimensions, Alien Base - The Exhibition of the Universe is the latest creation of inventor, researcher and author David Boyle.
David is no stranger to the Golden Mile. He has housed exhibitions on conspiracies, aliens & Ufos and the internationally acclaimed Doctor Who Museum until its departure from Blackpool last year. Davids exhibitions have attracted visitors to Blackpool from all over the world for the past 15 years.
David said My team and I have been working around the clock ensuring that this large exhibition site was not left empty following the departure of Doctor Who. This exhibition houses fantastic displays, dioramas and interactive features that will leave the whole family speechless. This really is the most advanced exhibition of the paranormal and unexplained in the world.
Davids amazing and extra-ordinary claims that his exhibition proves beyond doubt the existence of extra-terrestrial life on other planets have yet to be disproved as holiday makers walk alongside fellow researchers and scientists through this spellbinding exhibition.

A bright flying object appeared for three hours. UFO was moving slowly westward, in the southwestern sky Haiyan, Zhejiang Province of China last few days ago. This has happened for so many times in the world.
These unidentified flying objects are constantly flickering at a height that is not too high and bigger and brighter than the surrounding stars. Many people witnessed the UFO that night. “I do not know what it is,” said a witness reported. They found that not only was a shining object in the sky, but its reflections in the river are also very interesting.
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Another UFO reported over Shropshire
Shropshire’s claim to the the UFO hotspot of the nation was given more weight today with another reported sighting in the skies over the county.
Strange lights in the sky are becoming commonplace in Shropshire and Stirchley, Telford, was the latest area to be added to the list
Shropshire Star reader Joshua Lester-Rigg said he witnessed “a huge fireball” crossing the sky and plumetting down to earth.
Joshua, from Stirchley, said: “I was in my back garden and was looking in the sky.
“I don’t know if what I saw was a UFO or a meteorite falling to the ground by Stirchley Fields and the Town Park.
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UFO sighted in sky over Selby, North Yorkshire
The Press, York
THERE’S something out there – and it's flying over Selby.
A local man has reported how he saw a UFO in the sky over the district.
Writing on the forum of website abovetopsecret.com, a resident of Whitley has told how he saw something in the sky on Tuesday night.
Calling himself Darkjedig, the man, who used to live in Florida, said on the forum: “I am just wanting to see if anyone in the North Yorkshire area in England, has seen a UFO tonight.
“I have been seeing a lot lately and have tried to film them on my phone camera, but they don’t show up.
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Lights in sky 'too fast' to be lanterns
Halifax Evening Courier
The debate over the mysterious orange UFOs that has divided Calderdale is raging on.
Many readers have contacted the Courier saying they have seen people across the area releasing Chinese lanterns and these are behind the sightings.
But Brian Senior is not convinced. He says he saw three bright objects, which were joined by a further three UFOs, over Pellon near the Halfway House pub as he looked over the valley from his house.
He said: "I can't explain what they were but they were not Chinese lanterns.
"They all lined up in a perfectly straight line then shot off towards Withens Road near Wainstalls.
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Welsh 'Roswell' defies explanation
IT was the historic UFO sighting dubbed the “Welsh Roswell”.
Locals heard a huge bang and saw a brilliant light in the sky, but Ministry of Defence files say the incident in 1974 was just a combination of an earthquake and a meteor.
Now a new book claims a key element of the events remains unexplained.
In UFO Down? The Berwyn Mountain UFO Crash, author Andy Roberts claims the authorities still cannot account for nurse Pat Evans’ description of a glowing object she saw in the North Wales mountain range.
Mrs Evans broke her long-standing silence on the issue earlier this month, when she called the official account “rubbish”.
The retired nurse, 72, told how on January 23, 1974, she and her two daughters, then aged 14 and 15, saw a “huge ball glowing and pulsating on the mountain” with “some lights scattered around it”.
The illuminations scattered around the main object were like fairy or torch lights, she said.
Mr Roberts, who has written widely about UFOs, said: “It was too big to have been a meteor and if it had been a meteor that had landed, it then becomes a meteorite.
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Alien filmed live on TV in UFO hot spot
UFO researchers have been taken by surprise by recent UFO/alien event that took place in South America.
What might well be an alien was filmed by a camera crew doing a news item and broadcast live on TV (see video below). The event took place in Santa Cruz, Argentina and the image of the alien was broadcast on that nation's channel two. The alien is seen stalking towards the person who is being interviewed. The filming and broadcast took place on August 8 of this year.
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Brisbane man finally spots 'UFO' after 30yrs of waiting
A man from Brisbane has finally spotted 'UFO', after spending 30 years on searching for one.
Erik Black, 49, who has been interested in UFOs since he was a child, revealed that he had only heard or read about them and had never seen a "real one" until 2010 election night.
"I have been researching UFOs for almost all my life and every time I came to the Northern Territory for holidays I read a UFO story in the newspaper, so I thought the NT was the place to be," the Courier Mail quoted him as telling the NT News.
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See Also: UFO Earth Base - Tracking Strange Aerial Phenomenon (8th Issue) / UFO Earth Base - Tracking Strange Aerial Phenomenon (7th Issue) / UFO Earth Base - Tracking Strange Aerial Phenomenon (6th Issue) / UFO Earth Base - Tracking Strange Aerial Phenomenon (5th Issue) / UFO Earth Base - Tracking Strange Aerial Phenomenon (4th Issue) / UFO Earth Base - Tracking Strange Aerial Phenomenon (3rd Issue) / UFO Earth Base - Tracking Strange Aerial Phenomenon (2nd Issue)/ Terrified Passengers Photograph UFO Over Rio de Janiero / UFO Earth Base - Tracking Strange Aerial Phenomenon (1st Issue) / UFO Startles Crowd At Australian Rodeo / Spectacular UFOs Spotted Over China / A New Book That Explains How To Hunt Ghosts, Monsters And UFOs / Oh My God, I Just Saw A UFO! / Fighter Jets Scramble To Intercept UFOs Over Arizona / UFO Filmed Over UK Coast - Wind Turbine Mystery Solved? / Have You Seen A UFO In Gulf Breeze? UFO Hunters Wants You! / Is The UK Being Invaded By Aliens?......Seriously! / UFO Pilots Beware! The RAF Has Orders To Shoot To Kill! / Obama And UFOs - Here We Go! / A Squadron Of UFOs Spotted Over UK Wind Farm....No, Another One! / Is This The UK Version Of Roswell? / Was The UK Attacked By A Giant Tentacled Space Monster? / UFO Collides With Wind Turbine In Conisholme / Mystery Lights Over The UK Becoming More Frequent And Wide Spread / Surprise! More Strange Lights Over The UK / If You Spot A UFO Don't Contact Your Air Force Recruiter / UFO Cult Cancels Mass Orgy / Another UFO Photographed Over The UK / UFO Case Files - The Best Of 2007 - Archives / The Hertford Fireball - Asteroid Or UFO? / UFO Light Show Over Suffolk / Discovery To Air UFO Hunters Footage Sci Fi Found Too Shocking / Does Mars Have Wood? / Nasa Photo Shows Human-like Figure On Mars / Bloody Hell Nigel, I Think Our Sofa Is Haunted By Aliens
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