Sources: Various
Winston Churchill Feared UFO Panic
"A descendent of one of Winston Churchill's wartime aides says the British prime minister ordered the classification of a UFO sighting by a British bomber crew.
Churchill reacted strongly to a report that a Royal Air Force bombing crew returning from a raid on Germany saw an arrow-shaped object hovering above the plane, the report said.
"This event should be immediately classified since it would create mass panic amongst the general population and destroy one's belief in the Church," the iconic prime minister said.
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'Close encounters' revealed in UFO files
Files containing more than 5,000 pages of UFO reports, letters and drawings from members of the public, as well as questions raised by MPs in Parliament, have been released by The National Archives.
These 18 files are the latest to be released as part of a three-year project between the Ministry of Defence and The National Archives. The files show that, as far back as 1957, the Joint Intelligence Committee was receiving an average of one UFO sighting each week.
The papers also include an account of a wartime meeting claiming that Prime Minister Winston Churchill ordered a UFO sighting to be kept secret for half a century. The encounter involved an RAF bomber and a UFO off the east coast of England. Churchill is alleged to have said it would create "mass panic" amongst the British population and would destroy their faith in religion. Churchill is said to have made the order during a secret war meeting with US General Dwight Eisenhower, who was commander of the Allied Forces at the time.
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Eisenhower and Churchill in wartime UFO coverup
TG Daily
Indeed, former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and US General Dwight Eisenhower stand accused of covering up a mysterious WWII encounter between a rogue UFO and RAF bomber.
According to the Telegraph, both Churchill and Eisenhower feared mass "panic" and loss of faith in religion if the story was made public.
The enigmatic incident allegedly occurred when an RAF reconnaissance plane and its crew were returning from a mission over German-occupied Europe.
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China offers explanation about UFO experts' conclusion: 'it was just a plane'
Tucson Citizen
According to China Daily, the incident on July 7th that caused the Xiaoshan Airport to shutdown is not that uncommon in China.
Billionaire private plane owners like Xu Weijie violate flight regulations all the time.
The fines that Xu pays for flying one of his eleven private planes illegally doesn’t make a dent in his enormous pocketbook.
China’s rich would rather pay a fine than go through the painstakingly complex process for a single flight, causing much frustration for everyone else.
Xu’s flying has caused many flights to be diverted or delayed. This past April is a good case in point. Xu’s trip to a tourism resort in Zhejang caused flights to be diverted or delayed at two Shanghai airports: Pudong and Honqiao.
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Global Times
Pictured is a glowing UFO seen by residents in the Yuexiu distrct of Guangzhou, Guangdong Province Monday evening. A man surnamed Chen who watched it with a powerful telescope said it hovered and moved vertically up and down for a little more than 90 minutes from 7:30 pm to 9:10 pm.
He described it as "dazzling bright, changing to many colors. Sometimes the shape changed from a disc to a triangle. It was absolutely not a plane. It had no navigation lights and a plane couldn't stay stationary like it did."
Chen reported the sighting to the Southern Metropolis Daily at 8 pm Monday.
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Did aliens visit Rollesby?
Great Yarmouth Mercury
On a holiday to the Broads you would expect to see wildfowl, reed beds and dragonflies.
However you can imagine the shock of those who glimpsed a UFO flying over Rollesby Broad, near Great Yarmouth.
But then think of the embarrassment if it turned out the sighting was only a reflection from your camera.
Sadly for three fishermen from Essex that is what exactly happened after they apparently videotaped a strange diamond shaped object flying over them.
Although the Rollesby Broads incident happened in October 1993, it is back in the public limelight after the release of Ministry of Defence files today.
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Declassified UFO files reveal Scottish cases
A number of previously-secret UFO files from the Ministry of Defence have been declassified and made public and published by the National Archives. Among the documents are a number of cases that involve apparently strange phenomena in Scotland.
Perhaps the most interesting case that involved Scotland was correspondence involving a person referred to in a MoD memo as "die-hard 'UFO' Correspondent' who had 'put two and two together and come up with seven' about an incident off the Western Isles in October 1996.
In his initial letter he asks about 'astonishing aerial sightings' in the area which led to 'an extensive land, sea and air search involving the RAF and coastguard' which 'failed to find the cause of the mystery.' He asks if a meteorite is 'still the official explanation.'
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Spaceship '20 times size of football field' was spotted over Brit airport
A sketch of an unidentified craft hovering over Manchester Airport that was sent to the MoD by a UFO expert in 1995 has shown that the object was "20 times the size of a football field".
The secret MoD files, which have been released for the first time on August 5, showed the expert described the craft as oblong with a curved front and a series of small nozzles at the rear.
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Space invaders
The Northern Echo
Bright lights in the sky, a mysterious triangle and ‘a great black craft glowing with light’ – just some of the UFO sightings reported to the Ministry of Defence from across the region. Stuart Arnold takes a closer look at the files.
THE truth is out there – or is it? Files released by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to the National Archives reveal a myriad of weird objects, shapes and lights spotted over the region’s skies.
Mysterious orange balls of light, a great black craft glowing with light and a tubularshaped object were all reported.
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Extraterrestrial command structure seeks to disguise rather than contain Oil Spill leak
Canadian National Newspaper
David Icke has indicated that humanity needs to wake up to an apparent alien agenda which has now spawned the Oil Spill.
Independent film maker James Fox has traveled to Louisiana in an effort to determine and document the actual conditions in regard to the most heinous environmental disaster in human history and what he has encountered is profoundly disturbing.
According to Fox, speaking in an interview with the Phoenix UFO Examiner, Marine Biologist Dr. Carl Safina, president of the Blue Ocean Institute, who accompanied Fox on a flight over the accident site that the ecological damage may mean "the end of the gulf as we know it."
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